Legal notice & GDPR

This web site is the entire property of Prosys SAS, a French limited company with capital of € 780 000. Prosys is allowed to obtain personal information via this website, particulary through request forms. This information cannot be shared with third parties.

Under French law (January 6, 1978: Data Processing, Data Files and Individual Liberties) you can ask for the modification, rectification or deletion of your personal information by writing to:

20 rue des Aqueducs
94250 Gentilly

Tel: +33 (0)1 77 92 92 92

Information about Prosys:
Limited company with capital of € 780000
SIRET 344 894 985 00078 RCS Créteil
APE: 5829C
Intra-community VAT FR 32 344 894 985
Prosys is a subsidiary of Infopro Digital.
Hosting: Prosys SAS

GDPR: Infopro Digital Group Privacy

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