For some construction projects, the budget is so limited that stakeholders are reluctant to acquire a collaborative platform. They must then turn to tools that are sometimes free or very cheap, but rarely adapted to the real needs of their BIM project.

Moreover, the consequences can be really negative for the project:

  • Teams no longer know what the latest versions of documents or models are.
  • Collaboration between different stakeholders is complicated.
  • Validation of documents is slow.
  • Transparency and traceability are non-existent.
  • Stakeholders have difficulties in transmitting large files to each other or in displaying models.
  • Not to mention, of course, all the issues related to data security, that are rarely reconciled with free tools.

Sharing BIM models, validation circuits, traceability… Our new collaborative platform Mezzoteam Express provides you with all the essential features you need to respect your budget and ensure the success of your project in complete peace of mind and security!

Discover Mezzoteam Express in one minute!
In practice, Mezzoteam Express is:
  • A workspace to centralise all your project data
  • A customisable homepage to communicate about your project with the different teams
  • Unlimited users
  • A range of BIM features
So that teams can:
  • Share and organise their documents securely
  • Give their notices
  • Quickly find the latest versions of models and documents
  • View and manipulate BIM models
  • Automate visas
With Mezzoteam Express, your platform is ready in just 2 hours:
  • Easy to get started with our consultants
  • 24h/7 support
  • Access on all types of media

About Mezzoteam

Mezzoteam is therefore divided into 3 offers to meet the specific needs of each project:

  • Express: share BIM models and documents in a secure environment
  • Pack: set up a turnkey BIM collaboration platform
  • Pro: define a customised platform

Discover our video on BIM project review
Contact us if you need a personalised demonstration