Do you use the Mezzoteam platform? Find out how to monitor your project thanks to Mezzoteam reports.


    • Comply with deadlines
    • Manage costs
    • Have an overview of your project

May be fully customised

    • Layout: logo, graphic guidelines, etc.
    • Representation: tables, curves, histograms or graphs as per your needs
    • Format: Excel, PDF, etc.
    • Frequency: reports generated as often as you like – monthly, weekly, daily, etc.

Catalogue of reports
Based on analysis of the most frequently requested data by customers over the last 20 years, we have drawn up a catalogue of pre-defined reports that can be quickly put in place in the required workspaces. These reports are organised into three categories.

  • Monitoring and progress reports
    • Monitoring of signatures
    • Monitoring of documentary production
    • Progress on the production of documents
    • Progress on signatures issued and outstanding by batch
    • Packages uploaded during the study phase

These reports meet the following aims, in particular: deviation calculation, anticipation of delays, resetting of the schedule.

  • Financial reports
    • Contract monitoring for a project
    • Monitoring of change requests

These reports meet the following aims, in particular: analyse deviations per contract, anticipate cost overruns and check the final cost of the project in real time.

  • Statistical reports
    • Reports on the documents
    • Multi-project statistics
    • Activity in a workspace: documents, files and signatures

These reports meet the following aims, in particular: monitoring of documentary production by organisation and anticipation of any volume requirements.


It is also possible to create bespoke reports if you need to compile specific data.